Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes
New to the U Perform blog? Read these popular articles first
Winter Seasonal Supplement Guide
What vitamins and minerals should I take in the winter? Unless you have been living under a rock, you are probably aware that winter is coming (some might say already here) which means new obstacles such as illness are lurking in the shadows of the cold, long days, ready to...
1 min read
How do collagen and vitamin C help to speed up the r...
Collagen is the single most important structural protein in the human body. It is abundant in our skin, muscles, cartilage, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. In almost all connective tissues in the body, collagen gives them the elasticity to stretch but the strength and rigidity to prevent over-stretching, create force,...
4 min read
New to U Perform?
Here’s everything you need to know… We like to think that by now everybody knows who we are, but let’s be honest, not everybody does and if you are new here and want a quick and easy way to learn who we are and what do – then look no...
1 min read
Heart Rate Variablility (HRV) 101
What is Heart Rate Variability and how can tracking it improve your performance and recovery? Other than collagen, there’s another buzzword doing the rounds in the sport and fitness community at the moment and that is ‘Heart Rate Variability’ or HRV for short. What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)? Heart...
6 min read
4 easy steps to speed up muscle recovery
DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) … we’ve all been there! The day or two after a big training session or workout, our body likes to remind us just how much effort we put in and stiff, sore muscles can really impact our overall mobility, compromising the quality of our next...
7 min read
Looking for something in particular?
Colostrum for Athletic Performance
Colostrum for Athletic Performance We’ve spoken about colostrum about a couple of times before, and all about why we think (and know) that it is an invaluable supplement when it comes to providing emergency immune system support. So, first of all, if you haven’t read that article, then we highly...
7 min read
Top 6 Benefits of taking Collagen Supplements
Collagen is a major component of almost all the physical structures in the human body. From muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, skin, and even cartilage, your eyes, and your blood vessels too. Now, people have been using topical collagen creams and taking collagen beauty supplements to support and improve their skin...
11 min read
Which collagen product is right for me?
How to choose the right collagen supplement for me Understanding which collagen product is right for you and that will suit your needs for training and competition is key to performing and recovering optimally every day. Whether you are completing your first ever parkrun, an already avid gym goer or...
5 min read
Immune Boosting Colostrum
The role of nutrition in supporting our immune system both on active days and recovery days, in winter and during the spring and summer months cannot be understated and having a tool kit of essential supplements to hand can give you a fighting chance against illness, fatigue and even injury....
4 min read
How can exercise affect the immune system?
Can exercise affect your immune system? Exercise and physical activity are both incredibly good for your health. They help improve your mood and reduce stress, decrease the risk of certain diseases, and if you're lucky enough to get over it, a great workout can also be a significant mood boost...
4 min read