Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes

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Eating around workouts - everything you NEED to know

Eating around workouts - everything you NEED to know

Interested in building muscle? Managing your weight? Improving endurance? Whatever your goal is, food is the fuel to achieving this. In reality, your daily workout is the easiest part and when the workout ends, your recovery is only just beginning. We all know just how important it is to fuel...

8 min read

The Art & Science of Recovery

The Art & Science of Recovery

Great performances can only come from an equally great recovery, right? This is unquestionably true. Think of it like this; before you take on any workout, you complete a warm up, right? So, what if we viewed our recovery as the warm up for your warm up. What is your...

8 min read

Your Complete Protein Guide

Your Complete Protein Guide

You can never have too much protein, right? But how much protein do I actually need for optimal muscle growth & muscle mass maintenance? The recommended daily intake for protein is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. If you're less active, the recommendation drops by a bit, but if...

6 min read

Why Active Collagen is a daily requirement

Why Active Collagen is a daily requirement

Read this if you want to know why collagen supplements are the right choice for you 👇 Can one 30ml collagen gel sachet taken daily really make that much difference to your performance and recovery? Well, we absolutely think so… the next generation of sports performance and recovery supplements is...

6 min read

U Perform what is sports injury prevention injuries joint health

What is Sports Injury Prevention?

Earlier this week, we started the discussion around sports injuries; what are they, how they happen and how they can affect us when they do. And unfortunately they probably will for most of us. We also introduced a couple of simple things that we could all do daily to help...

6 min read

U Perform blog post sports injury injuries joint health knee pain injury prevention

What are Sports Injuries?

No one wants an injury to put a stop to their fitness gains right? And I’m sure you have asked yourself, are sports injuries common enough for them to actually impact me in the first place? Injuries are something that happen to everyone else, not me surely... Unfortunately for all...

5 min read

Why whey protein?

Why whey protein?

Not all protein is created equal. In fact, some forms of protein, like whey for example, are way better than others. But whey is more than just a protein… it contains so much more and all of which can give significant benefits to the user. That’s us by the ‘whey’!...

5 min read

Can you afford not to take collagen supplements?

Can you afford not to take collagen supplements?

Over the next couple of months here at U Perform we are making it our mission to tackle a really big topic in sport and exercise and something that is incredibly important to us… Injury Prevention and Recovery   Injuries are probably the last thing on everybody’s mind…until they happen...

6 min read

The real cost of being injured

The real cost of being injured

No matter our level of ability or physical activity - aches, pains, niggles and injuries are going to happen at some point in our fitness journey. And when they do, they are guaranteed to stop you in your tracks temporarily whilst your body gets to work repairing and recovering. As...

6 min read

Vitamin D - The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D - The Sunshine Vitamin

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the days are getting shorter, the temperature is falling rapidly and unfortunately the challenges our bodies face will only get tougher from here. As active people and athletes, we all know just how important and beneficial exercise and the great outdoors can...

3 min read