Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes

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Strength training for runners

Strength training for runners

Its been well documented that strength training can make massive improvements in a runner's speed, stamina, and overall performance as well as helping them stay injury-free. But its still something many runners just don't make the time for and still prioritise getting the miles in over some gym work. Many...

3 min read

Self-care at home

Self-care at home

Self-care is an important part of any fitness regime but we often don’t give it as much attention as it needs.  The majority of people who are into fitness do it for vanity reasons and having more flexible hamstrings or being able to move comfortably isn’t as important as how...

3 min read

Our Guide to Outdoor Workouts

Our Guide to Outdoor Workouts

COVID-19 has been a difficult time for many of us mentally, physically, emotionally as well as financially.  But it also came with its benefits for many who chose to take advantage of more time and energy to exercise and find a healthy new routine. But after 4 months of running...

3 min read

Should you train when you are ill?

Should you train when you are ill?

This is a question I get asked a lot as a trainer.  When a client is feeling unwell they often want to train but are not sure whether they should or not.  There are so many variables that this will depend on as we will explore below.  With the current...

3 min read

Progression NOT Perfection

Progression NOT Perfection

The phrase ‘progression not perfection’ has been used in sport, business, and fighting addictions for years… and it is a phrase that we could all benefit from embracing… but what does it actually mean?The short answer is don’t focus so much on perfection that you don’t celebrate your progress.It’s very...

3 min read

When to workout whilst intermittent fasting

When to workout whilst intermittent fasting

When intermittent fasting the question of when to train around meal times is a big one and there are a lot of factors that it depends upon.  Everyone will have a different piece of advice for you but here are a few things you should consider.  What times do you...

3 min read

How can yoga compliment your workouts

How can yoga compliment your workouts

We all know yoga is beneficial for us but it's neglected by many.  Whether you are a weightlifter, runner or swimmer - adding a practice like yoga to your fitness regime can have a positive effect on your general health and fitness, performance and is the perfect compliment to your...

3 min read

Good Fats vs Bad Fats

Good Fats vs Bad Fats

For many years, FAT was almost a swear word… with fitness guru’s and food companies telling us that low-fat was the way forward.  But the truth is that the shift didn't make us healthier, probably because we cut back on healthy fats as well as harmful ones. There are many...

3 min read

How can competition help you achieve your fitness goals?

How can competition help you achieve your fitness go...

A bit of healthy competition doesn’t hurt, but it can help you make some big improvements towards your health and fitness goals.  For many people goals alone are not enough to motivate them to success, but the chance to beat someone else is.  The extra motivation or drive to achieve...

3 min read

What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

The term ‘Mindfulness’ seems to be everywhere right now… from colouring books to meditation apps… but what does mindfulness actually mean?Basically mindfulness is the ability to be present and fully engaged with whatever we’re doing - free from distraction or judgment, and aware of our thoughts and feelings without getting...

3 min read